
Avatar for Phil Dzikiy

EGEB: Possible solar efficiency breakthrough, India to up renewables — but keep coal in mix, more

solar electricity

In today’s EGEB:

  • Researchers find the key to a long-pursued method for increasing solar cell efficiency.
  • Malawi gets a boost from solar — in more ways than one.
  • India wants to increase its share of renewables, but it also doesn’t want to abandon coal.
  • A Canadian town sees a shift from oil and gas to wind, but its concerns aren’t with the energy.


How climate change deniers inserted themselves into the EPA’s fuel economy rollback fight

toyota mpg

In the ongoing saga of the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back fuel economy standards, it’s been known that automakers sought to ease the rising MPG requirements set by the Obama administration. But a new report reveals how a number of climate change deniers injected themselves into the conversation, pushing the administration to go “much further” than planned.


EGEB: A Michigan ‘smart energy district,’ coal country looks to solar, state solar projects, more

solar roof projects smart energy

In today’s EGEB:

  • Jackson, Michigan is creating a “smart energy district” for energy innovation and testing.
  • Sky-high energy bills in Appalachia are pushing some to investigate rooftop solar.
  • New Mexico and Tennessee utilities look to go big on solar and battery storage.
  • Duke Energy surpasses 1 GW in owned solar capacity — but it has a long way to go on renewables.


Climate Crisis Weekly: Investors with $34T demand action, NYC declares emergency, debate blues

NYC climate emergency

In this edition of Climate Crisis Weekly:

  • Investors managing more than half the world’s invested capital seek “decisive action.”
  • NYC declares a climate emergency.
  • Climate doesn’t exactly dominate the first round of Democratic debates.
  • A new poll shows Americans want climate action…as long as they don’t have to pay for it.
  • The mess in Oregon.
  • And more….


EGEB: India wins trade ruling over US on solar, 10 billion Oreos, 88% renewable in Scotland, more

installing solar

In today’s EGEB:

  • The World Trade Organization ruled in India’s favor in a solar dispute with the US.
  • Mondelez’s new partnership procures renewable energy.
  • Scotland generated 88% of its electricity from renewables earlier this year.
  • An Alberta town may be the first in Canada to be solely powered by solar.
