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Last week, the Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders climate unity task force put forward a number of recommendations to combat climate change, as Electrek reported on July 9. That followed a huge climate plan from the House Democrats in June to bring the US to net zero by 2050. But are they good preliminary plans?
US House Democrats proposed a plan today to bring the US economy to net zero by 2050. This would include transitioning to EVs and green energy with tax incentives, new infrastructure, and government mandates.
A circuit judge in Leon County, Florida, dismissed a lawsuit earlier in June that was filed by eight young people against the state of Florida over burning fossil fuels and thus causing climate change.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Andrew Wheeler was questioned by members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee yesterday about rolling back environmental regulations during the coronavirus pandemic.
Top US and British economists, including Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment chairman Lord Nicholas Stern, published a working paper on Tuesday that asserts that the most effective coronavirus stimulus packages will also focus on reducing carbon emissions.
Atmospheric pollution may be “giving a helping hand” to the coronavirus, according to a new paper by Italian researchers from the University of Bologna.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a suspension of the enforcement of environmental rules on Thursday, saying it “will generally not seek stipulated or other penalties for noncompliance with such obligations” during the coronavirus outbreak.
This may sound controversial, but please stay with us. The coronavirus lockdown may actually save even more lives by reducing pollution due to factory shutdowns, reduced travel, and more.