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Climate Crisis Weekly: Increasing hurricane intensity, heat deaths avoided by Paris Agreement, and more

hurricane intensity

In this edition of Climate Crisis Weekly:

  • Natural wind protection against hurricane intensity may be diminished.
  • Thousands of heat-related deaths can be avoided in US cities by hitting Paris Agreement goals.
  • No climate change debate, the DNC says.
  • A group of US youths seek a climate change lawsuit.
  • Companies could see financial risks from climate crisis in the next five years.
  • And more…


Michael Bloomberg’s $500 million Beyond Carbon plan targets natural gas as well as coal

Michael Bloomberg launched Beyond Carbon

Michael Bloomberg introduced more details about his Beyond Carbon campaign on Thursday, a $500 million plan to move away from fossil fuels and accelerate the US clean energy economy. The campaign aims to slow the nation’s gas boom while continuing the Beyond Coal campaign’s focus to shut down every coal plant in the country.


EGEB: Spain utility eyes Europe’s largest solar farm, 2 GW floating solar, hybrid energy park, and more

Wavy solar panels

In today’s EGEB:

  • A Spanish utility plans to build the largest solar farm in Europe.
  • The Netherlands looks to add 2 GW of floating solar.
  • The Grain Belt Express transmission line is a step closer to construction once more.
  • A hybrid energy park combines wind and hydraulic power in Greece.
  • The world’s largest macadamia processor moves to solar power.


EGEB: California’s solar surplus, UK solar, Australian project could add largest battery

solar panels clean energy

In today’s EGEB:

  • California has to figure out how to utilize all of its solar power, and how to move forward.
  • Solar installations in the UK fell off a cliff last month.
  • Connecticut makes a huge commitment to offshore wind.
  • A huge Australian solar project secures financing, and a giant battery may be on the way.


EGEB: Beer brewed with renewables, Nebraska battery storage, another British record for no coal use, and more

Anheuser-Busch is brewing its beer with renewables

In today’s EGEB:

  • An Anheuser-Busch solar project to brew all beer with renewable-generated electricity.
  • Nebraska city gets a large scale battery to store solar power.
  • An offshore wind bill is reintroduced in Congress.
  • An attempt to change the definition of renewable energy in California fails.
  • Another “without coal” record in Britain.
