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Complete list of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicles of the Week

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Alibaba is China’s online shopping behemoth – an online marketplace featuring just about everything under the sun (or under the sea). It has just about everything you can imagine, which of course includes all sorts of interesting electric vehicles.

We run a weekly series to feature some of the most interesting finds in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

Check out the various fun, weird and sometimes just plain odd electric vehicles below.

Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: This 120 kW Chinese electric pickup truck

Most of the fun and wacky electric vehicles I find while trawling Alibaba to feature in my Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week series are notable for being fairly far-fetched. I mean, it’s not every day you come across an electric motorcycle with only one wheel or a fully functional electric submarine.

But the vehicle I’ve found for this week is notable for just how seemingly normal it is, and the fact that from halfway around the world you can buy an actual honest-to-goodness electric pickup truck that is highway capable and prepared to do real work.

Don’t worry though, folks, I’m not going too normie on you. If the truck’s “Rich 6” name is any indication, this thing has enough quirks to keep it interesting.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: 60 mph standing electric scooter death machine

When it comes to crazy electric vehicles from Alibaba, I’ve seen and written about seemingly every category under the sun. From animal-shaped electric boats and e-submarines to electric versions of Henry Ford’s Model T and even electric motorcycles with only one wheel. But never before have I found a direct-from-China EV that was as equal parts fascinating and suicidal as this one. And so it is with a combination of morbid curiosity and substantial trepidation that I present to you this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: a 60+ mph (100 km/h) standing electric scooter.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: Tiny One-Seater Electric Car

Despite mainly covering electric two-wheelers and other non-car electric vehicles, I’m still pretty pro electric car. The problem is that even though they are greener than gas cars, those 4,000 lb tanks all seem like so much more vehicle than I need for my typical urban lifestyle. Or at least until I found this tiny gem of an EV! It just may be the world’s smallest four-wheeled electric car, if you can call it that.

What you can definitely call it is the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: $1,500 electric duck boat

electric duck boat

There are few things more pleasurable than a relaxing Sunday on your own boat, slowly meandering your way around the local lake or water hole. And lately the increasing number of electric boats are making that experience even more relaxing by removing the noisy and troublesome gas engines from the mix. But electric boats have often been prohibitively expensive… until now!

That’s because I’ve found the coolest way to get your affordable electric boating game on, as long as you don’t mind a slightly avian flair to your pleasure cruiser. This $1,500 duck boat isn’t your typical army-surplus amphibious tour bus – it’s an actual duck. And it checks all the boxes necessary to make it the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week!

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: Knockoff Ford Model T Electric Car

Most of the fun and wacky electric vehicles I discover while wasting time perusing the infinite abyss of creativity that is the Alibaba shopping site are of the ultra-modern variety. But every now and again, something that is decidedly vintage catches my eye, as was the case with this funny little electric car that appears to be heavily inspired by the original Ford Model T. And fortunately for whatever random factory seems to be hawking this hot mess, it tickled my fancy enough to land it a coveted spot as the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week!

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: Solar-powered 2-seat e-bike with infinite range

Two of my passions are electric bicycle projects and DIY solar powered projects. In fact I’ve written the book on both topics. So to see these two fields combined in one quirky-yet-awesome product totally made my week. I just hope you’re as excited as I am to dive into this strange electric bike/car contraption that boasts a heap of features from seating for two to a giant solar panel array offering nearly unlimited range!

It’s just one of many strange, awesome and fun-looking electric vehicles I’ve discovered while window shopping on the world’s most eclectic digital thrift store: Alibaba. And now it has the honor of officially becoming this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week!

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: $3,500 electric police car(t)

Alibaba electric police cart

Times are tight all over the place as state budgets are being slashed. So if any police departments need an affordable alternative to a souped-up Dodge Charger or Ford Expedition, then this fun little electric police car might be just what the sheriff ordered. And if we don’t have any real boys in blue lining up for this fun cart, at least it’s got everything I need to make it the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week!

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: $750 3-passenger electric bike

Nat King Cole may have wooed Daisy with a tandem ride in On a Bicycle Built for Two, but I wonder if he would have won her over quite as easily if he had propositioned her with this funny little three-seater electric bike.

It may be odd-looking, but I love the weird combination of utility and style that makes this thing so awesome. That’s why it’s perfect for this week’s edition of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week series!

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: $2,000 stretch limousine electric trike

Back in high school, prom night saw several of the senior elite roll up to the dance in fancy limos. Something tells me that if I had pulled the same move in this funny stretch limousine electric tricycle, I might not have gotten a quick invite to the cool kids’ table. But that’s ok. Life’s too short to care about anything other than having fun — and this trike has fun written all over it in size 12,000 font.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: $4,800 and 75 mph Slingshot-style electric trike

Remember the good ol’ days of staying up all night playing Mario Kart, stuffing Cheetos into your face while red-shellin’ your friends from behind? Well, this awesome little three-wheeled electric vehicle I found from China makes me want to try the real-world adult version, maybe just without the snacks and shells. This oversized Hotwheels car is a surprisingly cheap electric trike that borrows heavily from the Polaris Slingshot-style genre of mid-life crisis mobiles. And it just happens to be a perfect match for this week’s edition of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week series.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: Cheap electric backyard construction vehicles!

Remember those days as a kid, playing with Tonka trucks? Back when your wildest fantasy was running your own cute little sandbox construction site, ordering toy trucks and cranes to move around loads of dirt all willy-nilly like those tiny drivers weren’t getting paid by the hour? Well, just because you’ve grown up now and had to start acting like an adult doesn’t mean you can’t still play with adult-sized construction toys! And now, with compact electric construction equipment appearing on the scene, you can even be the foreman of your own backyard construction project without bothering the neighbors!

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I bought an inexpensive electric pickup truck from China (and you can too)

If you’re anything like me, you watched the unveiling of the Tesla Cybertruck and the electric Ford F-150 Lightning truck and thought, “Damn, those are pretty cool, but I probably shouldn’t drop $40,000-$50,000 on an electric truck that I don’t really need.”

However, despite realizing I couldn’t justify an expensive electric truck, I never gave up the dream of joyriding in one and tossing all sorts of weird stuff in the back, which is probably why when the chance finally arose, I made the impulse buy of a much, MUCH more affordable (albeit smaller) electric pickup truck straight from China.

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That $1,700 Alibaba electric Jeep? Someone bought it, and here’s what showed up

If you haven’t already had the pleasure of discovering it, I write a fun column called the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week. Each week I go spelunking into the caverns of the Alibaba electric vehicle catalog and find something awesome, weird, and usually surprisingly low-cost to share with the world. I’ve wanted to purchase a lot of these myself, and I even did pull the trigger on an electric pickup truck recently. But it turns out that I’m not the only one who has been bitten by the weird Alibaba EV bug – as an Electrek reader shared with us his experience purchasing the $1,700 electric mini-Jeep I found earlier this year.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: $2,000 electric pickup truck

Ever since I discovered this awesome electric pickup truck, I’ve been going nuts over the thing. And no, I’m not talking about the hot new electric Ford F-150 launch. I’m talking about my most recent find for the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week series, a somewhat fully featured electric pickup truck!

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: $2,000 electric food truck, err… trike

Many of my favorite Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicles of the Week have been purely for fun – vehicles designed for enjoying life one underpowered mile at a time. But this week I think it’s high time that I stop fooling around so I can buckle down and get myself a real imaginary job. And I think this electric food truck might be just the thing I need!

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: I love this hilarious electric car

I have absolutely no idea what I’m looking at, and yet I already know I’m in love with this hilarious little electric car from Alibaba.

Last week’s entry in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week may have frightened me, but this week’s little electric car thing tickles that “why don’t I have this in my life?” part of my brain that my wife hasn’t been able to train out of me yet.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: Your own electric submarine

electric submarine

Every week I put on my journalistic scuba gear and dive to the bottom of the abandoned strip-mine-turned-reservoir that is the Alibaba electric vehicle catalogue in order to find the most audacious EVs available. Most of the time I’m so enthralled by the craziness of what I find that I have to resist the urge to pull out my credit card. This time I can safely say that I will absolutely not be buying this week’s feature. Because even as cool as it is that you can buy your own electric submarine on Alibaba, I very much value my life above the surface.

But this electric submarine is still awesome enough and weird enough to land it a coveted spot as this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: $1,691 solar-powered tuk-tuk trike

I think anyone who has ever suffered through a traffic-infused commute can agree that there are just too many cars out there. And while it’d be great to take a pile of cars off the road in one fell swoop, that’s easier said than done. But what if instead of taking cars off the road, we could take a pile of wheels off the road instead? That’s exactly what could happen if we all make the logical choice to ditch our four-wheeled cars and switch to this cheap little three-wheeled solar-powered electric tuk-tuk I’ve found!

And it’s so awesome (and kind of weird) that it has won itself the distinct honor of being named the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week. Join me while we take a deep dive into this unassuming little three-wheeler that’s ripe to steal the hearts and minds of commuters everywhere.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: This sweet $1,250 side-car electric bike

Electric bicycles are all about putting a smile on your face while taking the pain out of cycling. I’ve seen macho men hop on their first electric bike and roll around giggling like a toddler. And what could be better than sharing that kind of fun with a passenger in an old-fashioned sidecar? Today’s entry in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week series is just that – an electric bicycle that takes a cue from old-school sidecar motorcycles.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: $3,100 electric pickup truck… thing?

A lot of people know me for my electric bike passion. Whether it’s an electric bicycle, scooter, or motorcycle, I love throwing a leg on an electric steed and riding off into the sunset. And sure, I enjoy an occasional electric car ride as much as the next guy. But sometimes, and for some jobs, you simply need a truck. Nothing else will cut it. And that’s why there are many interesting new electric pickup trucks hitting the market.

And for those times that you just simply must have a truck, this Alibaba electric truck is absolutely not the one you’ll want to reach for. But it IS just weird enough to be featured as this week’s entry in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week series.

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: $5,800 solar-powered electric family car

If you’re already sold on the many benefits of driving an electric car, then you’re probably in the pro-solar-energy camp as well. You may have even considered the interesting proposition of marrying the two into a solar electric car, charging your EV for free with the sun rays currently cooking your paint job. But if there are two technologies that don’t scream “cheap startup cost,” they’re electric cars and solar power.

Unless of course you head on over to Alibaba, China’s e-commerce giant and the internet’s aunt with a hoarding problem. That’s exactly where I’ve found the most awesome solar electric family car for the most awesome price. And it’s just weird enough to make it into this week’s edition of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week series!

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Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: Is this the world’s cheapest electric motorcycle?

Motorcycle riders have their own unique risk-management calculations. And while everyone loves a good deal, I’m not sure how many riders will be signing up to go canyon carving on what might just be the cheapest electric motorcycle in the world.

Each week I dive deep into the abyss of Alibaba, the internet’s kitchen junk drawer, to find an interesting new electric vehicle at (usually) unbelievable prices. And today’s entry in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week series has me ready to wheelie my way off into the sunset for barely more than the cost of a cheap electric bicycle.

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