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AK-47 maker Kalashnikov reveals electric motorcycles for Russian military and police forces

The Russian company Kalashnikov, better known from products like the AK-47, unveiled an electric motorbike at the Army 2017 International Military-Technical Forum in Moscow, Russia. Kalashnikov introduced two versions, one for military purposes and one for the police force. If these bikes are anything like their infamous assault rifle, then they will prove to be virtually indestructible and hugely popular among certain demographics.

It’s admittedly a stretch considering the nature of the different products, but most electric bikes, such as the Zero DS, offer high-tech features like the digital dashboard and smartphone app. Kalashnikov does not get into such tech wizardry. Instead, they opt for good old-fashioned flip switches, indicator lights, and a chronological speedometer. Nothing wrong with that.


Russia could get Hyperloop pilot project going by the end of the year, says Moscow Deputy Mayor

A few weeks ago, we reported on Hyperloop One, one of the main companies developing hyperloop technologies, signing a memorandum of understanding with Moscow-based Summa Group, a Russian port, telecom and oil business headed by mysterious billionaire Ziyavudin Magomedov, to explore developing a Hyperloop project in the country.

While the deal was to determine if a project would theoretically be possible, now it seems that a pilot project is planning for an actual system as soon as December, according to Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in charge of transport.

A Tesla owner completely changed the interior of his Model S to a BMW 6-series’ for $30,000

Some Tesla Model S owners who are used to high-end luxury cars have complained about the vehicle’ interior not being up to the standards of a $80,000+ car. Andrey, a Model S owner in Moscow, was tired of complaining and took action. He completely changed the interior of his Model S to a BMW 6-series’ for about $30,000.

Russian government will force gas stations to offer electric vehicle charging by the end of 2016

In an effort to stimulate the electric vehicle market in Russia, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree requiring the owners of gas stations to install charging equipment for electric cars at their gas stations by Nov. 1, 2016 according to the Moscow Times. The requirement could very well be the most drastic government action to encourage electric vehicle infrastructure in any country.