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Complete list of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicles of the Week

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Alibaba is China’s online shopping behemoth – an online marketplace featuring just about everything under the sun (or under the sea). It has just about everything you can imagine, which of course includes all sorts of interesting electric vehicles.

We run a weekly series to feature some of the most interesting finds in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

Check out the various fun, weird and sometimes just plain odd electric vehicles below.

Awesome Alibaba: Low-cost backyard construction equipment, batteries included

electric mini loader

Regular readers of my Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column will know that I usually dig around Chinese shopping sites to find the wackiest and coolest little EVs in the world. That’s resulted in finding everything from electric submarines to mini electric Jeeps. But this time, I’d say that today’s vehicles are less weird and more awesome, especially if you’ve been looking for your own electric-powered construction equipment for your property or work site. These little electric mini loaders could be the perfect size for hobby farms and small ranches. And they’re pretty darn affordable too!

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Weird Alibaba: Operate your own electric towing business with this tiny tow truck

electric tow truck

It would give a whole new meaning to the term “small business” if you became the owner and operator of a towing company using this electric tow truck. That’s because, despite getting with the times and swapping in an electric drivetrain, this tow truck is a bit on the diminutive side, though there’s a good reason for that — mostly because it’s built for children.

But it’s just too awesome for me to pass up wanting to take my own ride in it! So fortunately for all of us, this little electric tow truck has won a highly coveted prize that it didn’t even know it was in the running for: a spot as this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

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Weird Alibaba: You can buy your own electric bumper car to drive around

battery bumper car

One of the coolest things about all the weird electric vehicles we find on Alibaba is that many of them seemingly come from objects you’d never expect to see on the road. Take a tiger-shaped bus or a house on wheels. Other times, you get things that are technically vehicles but that still should never be near an actual road. And that makes me want to do exactly that – by getting one of these electric bumper cars for cruising my neighborhood’s streets.

Welcome to the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week, bumper car edition!

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Weird Alibaba: Try not to vomit while driving this electric rolly car around

Alibaba rolling happy car

When we find electric vehicles for this weekly column on China’s bottomless pit of a shopping megasite Alibaba, we generally look for something that looks weird, fun, or at least remotely useful. This week, I’d say we nailed the first two. I’m not quite sure what to call this thing, so I guess I’ll have to go with the name given to it by its creators: the Happy Car.

Unless you have a stomach of steel, though, you might not be the happiest rider after a few revolutions in one of these.

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Weird Alibaba: A beautiful food truck on the back of a bike

food truck electric bike cart

You might be wondering why food trucks play such a big role in my Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column. After all, they tend to pop up fairly frequently in these weekly entries. A big part of their allure seems to be the fact that Alibaba’s engineers love taking the simple concept of a food truck and making it as complicated as possible by adding as many weird things as they can. Or sometimes by subtracting, like in this case where they subtracted the truck. In its place is a bicycle-powered food truck cart.

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Weird Alibaba: This funny-looking $2,000 electric mini-truck is solar powered

solar electric truck

We like to think that we have it all figured out in the West, but while we’re still trying to get solar electric cars off the drawing board, China’s EV engineers already have them driving around. Look no further than this awesome little three-wheeled electric truck that just happens to have enough solar panels to give it nearly infinite range — at least while the sun is out.

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Weird Alibaba: Ordering a giant cement mixer electric truck online is the future, today

electric cement mixer truck

Laggards beware: No transportation industry is safe from electrification. It’s going to drag you, kicking and screaming if necessary, into the future. That’s true whether we’re talking about planes, trains, or automobiles, or even cement mixers. And not only are electric cement mixers now a thing, but you can order one straight from China. Learn all about it in this week’s edition of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

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Weird Alibaba: 4-door $4.5k Chinese electric pick-up truck for off-road adventures

chinese electric pickup truck for safari

When most families go on safari, they rent a truck or pay a company for a guided tour. But with this cheap Chinese electric truck I find in the bowels of the internet, you could spend the same amount of money and get to keep your safari truck at the end! And lucky for us, this funky little e-truck is perfect for this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column!

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Weird Alibaba: This Chinese electric tractor can tow more than your dinosaur truck

electric tractor alibaba

Each week I dig around in the bottom of the barrel of China’s weirdest shopping site, dragging to the surface a funky electric vehicle to laugh either with and/or at. They’re usually fairly underpowered things, coasting by on their good looks and charm. But this week, we’ve got the opposite: a vehicle so ugly that not even its mother could love it but that can haul so much that it doesn’t even care.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is your big boy. And it’s perfect for this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

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Weird Alibaba: Only $2,000 for this great-looking electric Vintage VW bus, with a small twist

There’s something fun about trademark infringement reproducing retro-looking vehicles in an electric form factor. You get all of the exciting, old school design vibes that today’s automotive culture is sorely lacking, yet in a modern vehicle that doesn’t require two hours of wrenching for every hour of driving.

And this awesome-looking reproduction of a 60’s VW bus is a perfect example. Well, except for the fact that Alibaba’s finest EV engineers seem to have given the bus a feature that I don’t think came standard back in the day.

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Weird Alibaba: Time to take this electric mobility scooter off some sweet jumps

alibaba mobility scooter

One of the best things about scouring Alibaba for awesomely weird electric vehicles is that many of them seemingly start from something rather normal. There’s nothing strange about an electric tour bus – until it comes shaped like a tiger. Stuffed animals are rather normal – until engineers added wheels, motors, and batteries to make them rideable. And a mobility scooter for old folks is a pretty common sidewalk vehicle – until you add enough seats to make it into a party bus for old folks.

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Weird Alibaba: A 3-seater tandem electric bike for cruising with two very trusting friends

One of the best parts of riding an electric bike for leisure or recreation is sharing that experience with others. But what if your friends don’t have their own electric bike to join you on rides along the beach or through the park? Well then you might need this awesome Chinese three-seater bike I found online, which is perfect for this week’s entry in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column.

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Weird Alibaba: This Chinese electric car looks like a beautiful 1920s roadster

alibaba roadster

I’ve had plenty of fun dumpster-diving through Alibaba’s online electric car catalog over the last few years, finding odd and futuristic EV gems for this weekly column. But never before have we seen something quite so elegant-looking as this early automotive era replica, complete with all the bells and whistles you could possibly ask for in a Chinese knock-off. And that makes it a perfect selection for this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week!

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Weird Alibaba: Who wants this cheap 33 ft electric cherry picker straight from China?

arm vehicle alibaba

Some of you who follow this tongue-in-cheek series may know that I’ve long sought after an electric aircraft from Alibaba to bestow upon it the dubious honor of being featured here. I’ve gotten close, but no cigar. I still haven’t caught my white whale this week on China’s largest online shopping platform Alibaba, but they say if you’re going to shoot for the stars, then you’d better aim for the lowest one. And that’s what I plan to do with my very own electric aerial work platform. Or as we called them as kids, cherry pickers.

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Weird Alibaba: A $5,000 electric ice cream truck that you’ll want to drive every day

ice cream truck

Remember the good ol’ days of hearing the ice cream truck’s jingle coming down the street and running outside with a fistful of quarters to grab your favorite tasty treat?

Yeah, me neither, as I’m in my early 30s, and that stuff was mostly phased out by the time we were kids. Why pay a stranger in a questionably shady truck when your mom can just pick up ice pops at Kroger?

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Weird Alibaba: Stop me from buying this $2,100 electric army tank complete with cannon

electric army tank

“Speak softly and carry a big stick” may have been Teddy R’s shtick, but how about, “Drive quietly and carry a main cannon”? With today’s big trucks and SUVs turning into an arms race of their own, that’s how I plan to commute now that I’ve found that you can buy your own electric army tank on Alibaba.

This week’s entry in our Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week series is a first for us in nearly two years – an electric land vehicle that doesn’t have wheels. Tank steer, here I come!

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Weird Alibaba: This pint-sized single-seater electric fire truck is ready for a tiny blaze

electric fire truck alibaba

Municipal services are ripe for conversion to electric vehicles. With all of those hours on the road, switching away from polluting gas-powered engines could make a huge difference. But when it comes to fire trucks, I’m not sure if this little Alibaba fire truck has what it takes.

But it certainly has gusto, and that earns it a coveted spot as this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week!

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Weird Alibaba: Is this sub-$2,000 three-wheeled electric pickup truck the future of small trucks?

three-wheeled electric pickup truck

There are major movements toward reducing the size of cars and trucks in favor of lighter and more socially responsible vehicles that are less likely to take out an entire school bus while the driver is texting. As admirable as that concept is, I think this three-wheeled electric truck from China’s largest shopping platform might be a bridge too far for some people.

But who cares about them?! I love it, and that makes it perfect for my recurring Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column!

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Weird Alibaba: This $5,000 Chinese electric car feels like a scaled-up Hot Wheels car

alibaba wedge car

At a time when cars seem to be getting bigger and bigger, perhaps we all need to take a step back. I think it’s time to reevaluate just what cars need to be and how much car is really necessary to move us around. It sounds like China agrees with me, at least judging by the looks of Alibaba’s latest awesome electric car.

I’d say that this little wedge on wheels is perfectly poised to become this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle the Week!

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