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Faraday Future is about to announce a ‘meaningful’ funding round for its EV factory


While electric vehicle startup Faraday Future (FF) has yet to unveil its first vehicle meant for production, the aspiring automaker has two important things going for it: it’s attracting a lot of top talent and it reportedly secured a lot of funding.

Now FF says that it is about to announce a “meaningful” funding round from “Asian investors” in the coming weeks, which will help pay for the $1 billion factory under construction in North Las Vegas.

Faraday Future to start testing self-driving cars in California


The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) confirmed that Faraday Future submitted an application to start testing self-driving cars in the state and that the application has been approved for public roads on June 17. The news comes just weeks after we learned that the electric vehicle startup applied for 3 licenses to test self-driving cars in Michigan

Faraday Future hires a bunch of executives from legacy luxury automakers to lead marketing


Electric vehicle startup Faraday Future (FF) announced today the hiring of Marco Mattiacci, former President & CEO of Ferrari North America (2010 to 2014), as Global Chief Brand & Commercial Officer. Mattiacci is only the latest in a series of hires from legacy luxury automakers to lead Faraday’s marketing department.

The strategy gives a glimpse at the image the company, which as yet to present a vehicle aimed for production, will likely try to project in the EV market.

Q&A with Faraday Future’s Principal Engineer of Brake and Chassis Controls


Faraday Future is in the midst of developing its first production car set to be unveiled later this year and hopefully it will hit the market in 2017. It is reportedly going to be a luxury SUV, or maybe more of a large crossover, with supercar-like performance.

The well-funded startup hasn’t revealed much about the vehicle yet, but lately, it has been releasing glimpses of its mule program. One of the principal engineer behind the program is Matt Lubbers, Principal Engineer of Brake and Chassis Controls for FF, and today the company released a Q&A session with the engineer.

Faraday Future breaks ground and reveals the details of its $1 billion EV factory


Electric vehicle startup Faraday Future, also known as FF, is moving forward with its $1 billion factory in North Las Vegas, Nevada. The company is holding an official ground-breaking ceremony with state officials today – you can watch the stream below.

FF also released several new details about the factory and its features, as well as the concept rendering seen above.

Faraday Future is granted a patent for a surprisingly small and powerful inverter


Electric vehicle startup Faraday Future (FF) applied for more than 100 patents over the last year and today it confirmed having been granted its first one. The patent covers a new assembly process for FF’s power inverter called “FF Echelon Inverter.”

The inverter is surprisingly small (see comparison pictures below) and FF claims it achieves 20-30% greater power density than their competitors’ applications. The company didn’t name any competitor in particular, but Tesla’s Model S inverter has a peak power capability of 320 kW.

Faraday Future hired Bosch’s automated driving director to lead its own self-driving effort

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Since its inception less than 2 years ago, Faraday Future managed some impressive high-profile hires for a startup still in stealth mode until very recently. From Tesla executives to successful designers and veterans auto industry engineers, we have been scratching our heads figuring out how the company is able to attract so much talent so quickly ($?), and it’s not over.

FF’s latest hire might be its most high-profile to date. Electrek learned that Faraday recently tipped Bosch engineering director and leading automated driving expert Jan Becker to lead the startup’s own effort in vehicle automation.

Faraday Future officially unveils its first concept car: FFZERO1 [Gallery and Videos]

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Electric car startup Faraday Future took its biggest step out of stealth mode tonight by unveiling its first concept car at CES in Las Vegas. As much as we didn’t want it to be true, the leak we publish early in the morning turned out to be correct.

As it turns out, despite Faraday’s short timeline aiming to bring to market its first car in 2017, the company is holding on showing its mass market car, which was only briefly mentioned during the presentation, and instead shows a “test bed” concept to showcase some technology and “design DNA”: the FFZERO1.

Sketchy leak claims to be revealing Faraday Future’s concept: 1000 HP, Autonomous and modular battery tech [Updated]

FF sketchy leak

Update: we added a video of the app below.

A Twitter user going by supererogatory claims to have leaked the concept Faraday Future plans to reveal later today in Las Vegas. He claims that Faraday accidentally released an iOS app, which was meant for the release of the concept and includes renderings as well as some information about the vehicle, but was quickly pulled from the app store last night.

Tesla’s biggest competition for talent might not be Apple but Faraday Future, an LeTV-backed startup in Los Angeles

faraday-future-rear-view-teaserThe so-called “poaching war” for top automotive engineering talent between Tesla and Apple gathered quite a few headlines in the past months, especially after Tesla CEO Elon Musk called the Cupertino company the “Tesla Graveyard” for hiring people he claimed were “fired” by the company. But after looking closer into the recent hires between the two companies, it looks like Tesla has little to fear from Apple’s recruiting effort, at least if we compare it to Faraday Future’s.

Faraday Future took a small step out of ‘stealth mode’ earlier this summer to announce that it is looking for a location for a manufacturing facility to build an electric vehicle. In the months since, the 1-year old startup ramped up its hiring effort and now has over 400 employees with an impressive percentage coming from Tesla.

“We’re not Tesla. But we’re not Fisker either. We’re not fucking around.” – Faraday Future; a new electric vehicle company

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That’s what a Faraday Future representative told MotorTrend when asked about the reality of launching a car, which is undoubtedly one of the most difficult kind of product to bring to market. The young electric car company, whose name is still only a placeholder, took a small step out of “stealth mode” yesterday to disclose that they are looking for a location, in the US, for a new manufacturing facility.

We first heard of Faraday Future earlier this year after receiving some unconfirmed tips about Apple being involved with the startup company through their secretive vehicle program. Although Apple’s involvement remains unconfirmed, Faraday Future is a very real company.

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