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Complete list of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicles of the Week

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Alibaba is China’s online shopping behemoth – an online marketplace featuring just about everything under the sun (or under the sea). It has just about everything you can imagine, which of course includes all sorts of interesting electric vehicles.

We run a weekly series to feature some of the most interesting finds in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

Check out the various fun, weird and sometimes just plain odd electric vehicles below.

This awesome Chinese golf cart looks more like a mini-electric Jeep

My regular readers will know that I’ve got quite a thing for golf carts. They’ll also know that I write a regular weekly column finding the coolest (and sometimes weirdest) electric vehicles in the massive online shopping catalog that is Alibaba. So when those things collide, well, that’s what we call serendipity, folks! And that’s exactly what happened this week with the discovery of this fun Jeep-like electric golf cart!

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Want an electric zero-turn lawn mower for half the price? It’s here, sort of

zero-turn electric lawnmower lawn mower

There’s no form of wheeled transport, whether for recreation or utility use, that is safe from the sweeping wave of electrification. Those maintenance-prone, expensive and carcinogen-spewing combustion engines are on their way out in nearly every industry, not the least of which includes lawn-care. The only problem is that the larger and fancier zero-turn electric lawn mowers are usually pretty pricey when they go electric, at least until now.

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This guy bought a wild standing electric ATV from China – here’s what showed up

electric standing ATV

For those who have had the pleasure of discovering my weekly column on weird electric vehicles from China (or for those with a less robust sense of humor who have had the displeasure of finding it), you’ll know I love trawling through Alibaba’s long list of wacky electric vehicles. I often find some real nuggets of treasure, and sometimes I even go as far as buying and importing them to the US.

Make no mistake: It’s a terrible idea that is fraught with problems. That’s why I always advise against my readers following my lead. But sometimes, just sometimes, some of you foolhardy folks will climb up and over all of my disclaimers to try your own hands at getting the weirdest wheeled vehicles that China can muster.

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This tiny electric dump truck is ready to dump a big load, for cheap!

electric dump truck alibaba

When it comes to all of the category-defying EVs out there that earn the infamous title of Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle the Week, the utility vehicles might just be my favorite. The ability to simultaneously be super weird and also get work done is an endearing quality, and it’s one that this week’s feature surely embodies. Say hello to the world’s cutest electric dump truck.

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This cute little electric street sweeper is somehow cheaper than a lawn mower

electric street sweeper

When it comes to finding the coolest and/or weirdest EVs in China for the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column, I’ve never shied away from work vehicles. Whether that’s tiny electric fire trucks or an ice cream van shaped like a 60s VW bus, odd little work vehicles somehow have extra charm. But today’s entry is certainly unique among past offerings, making it one of the cleanest builds yet. Or perhaps the cleanlinest.

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Is this low-cost Chinese electric surfboard too good to be true?

Electric surfboards aren’t anything new. I’ve enjoyed covering modern electric surfboards for at least half a decade on Electrek and they’ve been around in more primitive forms since the early 2000s. But one common thread that has run through nearly all e-boards so far is the astronomically high price they carry. Well, at least until today’s find: a cheap Chinese electric surfboard that has earned it the dubious honor of becoming this week’s Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

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This 3,000W electric trike is for grandpas with style… and with a spare $500

electric trike

When it comes to the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column, we don’t discriminate based on wheel number. We’ve covered plenty of two- and four-wheelers, but three-wheelers need some love too. As long as a product is weird and wild, and comes from the seemingly endless Alibaba shopping catalog, it has a chance of earning this coveted weekly title. And that’s just what this awesome little electric trike has achieved today.

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Weird Alibaba: You can buy your own electric school bus from China

electric school bus

In yet another entry of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week that takes us into new territory, this week it’s time to grab your backpack and lunch money for your first day of school. Or at least your first day out and about on a new electric school bus. That’s right, this awesome electric school bus could be yours… if you want to bring it over from China.

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Weird Alibaba: This cute little Chinese EV is the world’s smallest box truck

box truck

Box trucks are convenient when you have to move a large amount of cargo around. But what if only you need to lug around a small amount of cargo yet don’t want to give up your U-Haul vibes? That’s when you’ll want to call on the world’s smallest box truck, which just happens to be perfect for this week’s edition of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

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Weird Alibaba: An inflatable Chinese electric jet ski for $2,000 – What’s the catch?

chinese electric jet ski

As usual for entries in this Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column, the fun EVs we dredge up tend to bridge the gap between fun-looking and palm-sweat-inducing. Would you take a cheap inflatable electric jet ski out into the bay or off the coast? What if I told you that you had to build it yourself?

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Weird Alibaba: A fun little electric jeep-like Chinese knock-off that I need in my life

chinese electric moke vehicle

I’m not sure I’ve ever wanted a vehicle more than the latest entry in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column. That’s because this week we’re checking out a Chinese knock-off of an iconic little open-air buggy: the Mini Moke!

It may be small, but this 100 km/h (62 mph) fun-mobile would be a blast around the city or cruising to the beach.

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Weird Alibaba: Cruise all day on this cheap electric… flatbed cart?

electric trolley alibaba

When it comes to four-wheeled electric vehicles, Alibaba is known to have some doozies in the low price department. But this model might take the cake for cheapest electric vehicle yet. I’m not sure what I’d use it for, but at least the $600 price tag wouldn’t be nearly as hard to justify to my wife as my $2,000 truck was.

And as some nice bonus points, it works perfectly for this week’s edition of the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week!

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Weird Alibaba: What the heck is this four-wheeled electric motorcycle?

If you’ve followed my writings for any period of time, you’ll know there are two things I love: electric motorcycles and finding weird EVs on Alibaba. And when those two things overlap, well, then you’ve found my happy place.

Sometimes the result is weirder than others, and that’s the case with this four-wheeled electric motorcycle that has earned the dubious title of Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week.

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Weird Alibaba: Would you buy a 50 hp electric UTV from China to save money?

electric utv

In this week’s dive into the deep end of the Alibaba pool, we’ve floated back to the surface with an interesting looking electric UTV designed for flying fast over rugged terrain. It may not compete with the best offerings currently found in the industry, but neither do most of the vehicles we dredge up for the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column.

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