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Fact or BS: An electric scooter with claimed 100 km (62 mi) range? I did an epic test to find out!

emove cruiser range test

The EMove Cruiser from Voro Motors is a beast of an electric scooter, offering full-suspension and a powerful 1.6 kW peak-rated motor. But its biggest draw might be its giant 52 V and 30 Ah battery, rated for 1.6 kWh of capacity and an unbelievable 100 km (62 miles) of range.

In fact, that range is so unbelievable that I decided to call the company’s bluff. I set out on a full battery range test to determine the true real-world range of the scooter.

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Tesla Model X outdoes Audi’s upcoming “Tesla killer” prototype as the most aerodynamic SUV ever

Earlier this month when Audi unveiled its all-electric SUV, the quattro, some media were quick to dub it a “Tesla killer”, but now that Tesla officially launched its own SUV, I think it’s clear that it was a premature assessment. The quattro is set to have a similar range as the Model X, ~250 EPA-rated miles, but Audi is aiming at releasing the quattro in 2018, while Tesla delivered the first few units yesterday and already has between 25,000 and 30,000 reservations for the all-electric SUV.

Tesla will NOT have a 600 miles range vehicle in two years

If you have been following news about Tesla Motors lately you know that the company is launching the Model X today, but you might have also heard that they will launch a “600+ miles vehicle” in about 2 years. Several publications have been publishing articles with a variation of the following headline: “Elon Musk says Tesla will have a 600 miles vehicle by 2017“.

These headlines, to no fault of Musk, are due to either a severe lack of knowledge about electric vehicle range or a malicious click-baiting attempt.