Another Tech site reviews the Model S. Conclusion?
Should you buy a Model S? Go ahead. It’s not your only car…
If you have the money, go ahead and get a Tesla. If you can spend $75,000 on car, odds are you already have another $75,000 car in your garage already, something like an Audi Q7 diesel. That takes care of range anxiety on really long trips, that or renting a combustion engine car for the weekend. With all respect to Tesla, I think the hassles of finding fast-charging stations are still a lot to deal with. The score currently reads: US gas stations 120,000 and slowly declining, Tesla Supercharging stations 44 and growing. On the New York to Boston and back trip, it was fun, especially chatting up other Tesla owners. Do it regularly and it could be a grind. But as more Supercharging stations become available, the hassle factor falls off, and for daily driving or weekend recreation trips, the 200-plus miles of range is more than enough.
This is a car unlike no other. The same goes for the dealer network. Name one other vehicle that carries four plus cargo, that your neighbor doesn’t own except in Atherton, gets to 60 mph in as little as 4.5 seconds, has an LCD display big enough to be seen from low earth orbit, uses less than $10 worth of energy per fill-up when it’s not free, and — try this in your Porsche Cayenne — lets you slip into the HOV lane as a solo driver. You will be hooked.
I agree and I don’t think the “only car” angle is played up enough. Sure Tesla would like you to think that this can be your only car, and it probably could be if you live on the West Coast. But the reality is that most drivers have another car laying around for those trips into the Flyovers.