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Stephen Colbert: ‘I woke up yesterday and my Tesla could drive itself’ [Video]

Stephen Colbert, on his popular Late Nite television show, discussed the Tesla V7 software update and the ability of the car to “drive itself”. Colbert noted driving his Tesla into Manhattan and how the autopilot would improve that. Additionally he noted that a lot of billionaires are working on self driving cars including Google’s founders and guests Apple CEO Tim Cook, Tesla CEO Elon Musk of course and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick.

The spot was a great one for Tesla, shining a light on its ability to upgrade cars through software and  putting a very positive and funny spin on autonomous driving. Watch the video clip on Youtube below:

Tesla CEO Elon Musk appears on Colbert’s Late Show – talks about nuking Mars [Video]

Tesla CEO Elon Musk went on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show last night for a quick interview about his ongoing projects. Musk didn’t reveal any new information about Tesla or SpaceX, but he did talk about how we could terraform Mars – hint: it involves dropping nuclear weapons on the poles – and he also talked a little about Tesla’s robot charging station. Unfortunately we didn’t learn much new about the cars but we did get to see what the Tesla CEO drives [hint: It is the same vehicle as Colbert] and his security detail after the show.

Video of the show and the after show both below:

Elon Musk to appear on second night of Stephen Colbert’s Late Show Sept. 9

CBS today announced a full lineup of guests for the upcoming kick off of The Late Show hosted by Stephen Colbert, and scheduled for the second show is none other than Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

With the upcoming Model X release, that will surely be one topic of conversation among the two, but it’s possible something bigger is planned given this will the second show of the new Late Show with Colbert. Musk has appeared with Colbert on his old program several times over the years, but we’ll have to see what Colbert’s new format at The Late Show adds to the mix.