Electrek green energy brief: Mattis for microgrids, Carbon Tax at $220/ton and $2/gallon, 93% approval in Germany and more!
New Secretary of Defense James Mattis supports microgrids – US Military officials have made strong statements concerning climate change, strategic safety and fuel transport. In the US they’ve stated inter-connected microgrids based upon solar power, wind, batteries and fuel cells are most intelligent. In the field, General Mattis has expressed multiple times that solar power microgrids are exactly what is needed to ‘power up batteries’ in the field. And on a global scale – we know the thought is that ‘climate change poses a significant risk.’ The reason I post General Mattis is because we need every pathway forward to better our energy position and military investment in technology always seems to pull things quickly.
$220/ton is proper cost of carbon tax – If we’re going to have an adult conversation about what that means: adding $.13/kWh gas, $.22/kWh coal & $2/gallon for gasoline. These numbers are based upon the $220/ton number multiplied against the values on these two pages (A and B). In my mind we have two choices – either accept this ultra aggressive $/ton of CO2 number or make our carbon tax a LOT LOWER however, force the money into energy, transportation, manufacturing and agriculture upgrades. We cannot have everything – we live in reality folks.