Young people around the world are skipping school today to protest a lack of action on climate change. Pictures and videos of the protests are rolling in from across the globe.
Students in more than 100 countries were planning to participate in thousands of protests across the globe today. Turnout has been very strong. Though we’ve yet to hear of any unofficial estimates in total — and the protests aren’t finished — it should be a very big number.
The climate strike movement started with Greta Thunberg of Sweden last year. Now 16 years old, Thunberg started the Fridays For Future movement, which has reached its biggest day yet. US Youth Climate Strike is helping to organize the protests in the US.
On Thursday, it was revealed that Thunberg has been nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.
Today in The Guardian, Thunberg and a number of other young climate strike leaders guest edited a column titled “Think we should be at school? Today’s climate strike is the biggest lesson of all.” In the column, the writers keep saying “This movement had to happen, we didn’t have a choice.” For example:
“This movement had to happen, we didn’t have a choice. The vast majority of climate strikers taking action today aren’t allowed to vote. Imagine for a second what that feels like. Despite watching the climate crisis unfold, despite knowing the facts, we aren’t allowed to have a say in who makes the decisions about climate change. And then ask yourself this: wouldn’t you go on strike too, if you thought doing so could help protect your own future?”
The column concludes with “This movement had to happen. And now, you adults have a choice.”
Here are a number of photos and videos posted on Twitter since the climate strike protests began.
Auckland, New Zealand
Sydney, Australia
FEATURED: 30,000 determined young people with the thing we're fighting to protect. Sydney #ClimateStrike
— School Strike 4 Climate Australia (@StrikeClimate) March 15, 2019
Delhi, India
Delhi students demanding stop to climate change for their future #SchoolStrikeForClimate #FridaysForFurture @LetMeBreathe_In @CBhattacharji @carboncopyinfo
— Gunjan Jain (@j_gunjan) March 15, 2019
Tokyo, Japan
Helsinki, Finland
So much people in Helsinki! #FridaysForFuture #ilmastolakko #climatestrike
— Olli-Pekka Paasivirta / HOK-Elanto 1020 (@OPPaasivirta) March 15, 2019
Bologna, Italy
Tutti insieme per le strade di #Bologna #NoPlanetB #ClimateEmergency— Milena Siderova (@m_siderova) March 15, 2019
Milan, Italy
Parma, Italy
Cork, Ireland
Cork #FridaysForFuture climate strike, week 1 vs week 10.
— saoi (@saoi4climate) March 15, 2019
Dublin, Ireland
Holy mackerel, there are THOUSANDS of people here already, fantastic turnout in Dublin for #FridaysforFuture #schoolstrike #ActOnClimate #climatebreakdown
— John Gibbons (@think_or_swim) March 15, 2019
London, England
"Police tried to close the entrance to The Mall leading to Buckingham Palace but they just keep on coming… #ExtinctionRebellion #climatestrike #schoolstrike4climate", @LdnRebellion.#YouthStrike4Climate #FridaysForFuture @Strike4Youth @UKSCN1
— Extinction Rebellion Global (@ExtinctionR) March 15, 2019
Heidelberg, Germany
#FridaysForFuture Climate strike in Heidelberg today.
— Charlotte Boys (@charlotte_boys) March 15, 2019
Berlin, Germany
The story from Berlin: 25,000 people went on strike today to demand better climate politics. @FridayForFuture @GretaThunberg #FridaysforFuture #climatestrike #NoPlanetB
— Ecosia (@ecosia) March 15, 2019
Vienna, Austria
Vienna! Today was amazing! #climatestrike #FridaysForFuture
— Students For Future – WU Wien (@StudentsClimAct) March 15, 2019
New York City
Striking for the climate. Kids from all over NYC. This is beyond inspiring. #ClimateStrike #schoolstrike4climate #FridaysForFuture
— Jennifer Hsu (@jennhsu) March 15, 2019
#ClimateStrike Boston
— Fran Cummings (@acton_climate) March 15, 2019
Middlebury, Vermont
Little Middlebury turns out big for #ClimateStrike!
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) March 15, 2019
Cape Town, South Africa
#ClimateStrike Cape Town getting under way!
— Glen Tyler-Davies (@GlenTyler) March 15, 2019
Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm. #fridaysforfuture
— Fredrik Andersson-Tay (@andersson_tay) March 15, 2019
Toronto, Canada
#climatestrike in Toronto is getting started #TOpoli
— Keith Stewart (@climatekeith) March 15, 2019
Irvine, California
And Electrek’s Jameson Dow attended the demonstration at UC Irvine:
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