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28 companies worth $1T to automakers: These are the ZEVs we want right now


The Corporate Electric Vehicle Alliance (CEVA), a coalition of 28 major US and global companies and fleet operators, released a letter today urging automakers to rapidly expand their zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) offerings. The group also specified what kind of vehicles they want. CEVA, which is led by nonprofit Ceres, includes such corporate heavy hitters as Amazon, American Airlines, Best Buy, DHL, T-Mobile, and Uber.

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Stephen Colbert: ‘I woke up yesterday and my Tesla could drive itself’ [Video]

Stephen Colbert, on his popular Late Nite television show, discussed the Tesla V7 software update and the ability of the car to “drive itself”. Colbert noted driving his Tesla into Manhattan and how the autopilot would improve that. Additionally he noted that a lot of billionaires are working on self driving cars including Google’s founders and guests Apple CEO Tim Cook, Tesla CEO Elon Musk of course and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick.

The spot was a great one for Tesla, shining a light on its ability to upgrade cars through software and  putting a very positive and funny spin on autonomous driving. Watch the video clip on Youtube below:

Morgan Stanley doubles down on Tesla’s ‘Uber-like’ service – says Tesla should announce plans early 2016

On Tuesday, Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas issued a new note on Tesla Motors reiterating an “overweight” rating and a price target of $465. Tesla’s stock closed at $248 per share Tuesday – representing a 86% potential upside. In the note, Jonas doubled down on his prediction disclosed in a previous note saying that Tesla will launch a “Uber-like” service to compete in the ride-sharing/taxi market, which he refers to as “Tesla Mobility”.

He said he would be “surprised” if the company didn’t explain their plan for such a service before the unveiling of the Model 3, which is expected in March 2016.