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EVs are blowing up on Turo, showing strong organic demand for electric cars

We’ve written before about car sharing platforms being used by EV owners, particularly Tesla owners, to make a little side money with their cars.  Turo is the biggest example of this, and they’ve shared some statistics with us about their platform showing that EVs are quite popular there and gaining steam much faster than the rest of the site.


Tesla owners are making $923 on average by renting their car 7 days out of the month on Turo, says CEO

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With the “sharing economy” growing in popularity, the startup Turo is trying to introduce a new ownership model to the car industry that could lower the cost of ownership and get more out of your car. In a new post, the company’s CEO, Andre Haddad, released some statistics about Tesla Model S owners using Turo.

Haddad argues that Tesla owners using Turo can pay their monthly car payments entirely by renting out their vehicle roughly 7 days out of the month.

Some Tesla owners are paying for their Model S using car renting platforms

It will come at no surprise to you that Tesla vehicles are not in everyone’s price range. Even though the Model S is definitely priced in the high-end with a starting price of $66,000, it has been known to attract customers willing to stretch their budget in order to buy one and be a part of the rEVolution.

But now we learn of other Tesla owners finding innovative ways to afford their Model S. Some owners are using car-sharing platforms in order to finance the expensive purchase.