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EX30 SUV will not only offer smaller dimensions but also Volvo’s lowest carbon footprint

Volvo SUV

Two weeks before the public gets its official debut of the upcoming EX30 small SUV, Volvo continues to trickle new tidbits of information to us to build anticipation. This morning, the automaker shared that the upcoming SUV represents its lowest total carbon footprint to date, reducing its environmental impact by a huge fraction compared to its current EV models.

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How insulation and heat pumps could cut the UK’s – and other countries’ – need for Russian gas [Update]

electric heat pumps

As the global energy crunch deepens, thanks to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, new analysis from the nonprofit think tank Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) looks at how home insulation and heat pumps could reduce the UK’s need for Russian gas. The approach could certainly be applied in other countries, too.

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Volvo goes leather-free in all its EVs as part of new sustainability report

Volvo leather

Following a recent report outlining the future of sustainable luxury materials, Volvo Cars has committed to outfitting all of its upcoming electric vehicles with leather-free materials. This ethical stance by the legacy automaker comes from an aspiration to promote animal welfare and sustainability, by using recycled materials that remain high-quality.

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