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First ride on the Flite eFoils: Easy to learn and outrageous ‘flying’ fun out on the water [Video]

Flite eFoil

I have seen the future of sustainable water sports; my friends, it is good. I recently got the chance to take Flite’s lineup of eFoils out on the waters of South Carolina, and all I can say is, “What a feeling.” Watch me hydrofoil (and fall plenty) in the video below.

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Flite’s new Flitescooter with removable handlebars makes electric hydrofoils easier

Learning to ride an electric hydrofoil is easier than ever, thanks to Flite’s latest addition to its product lineup – the Flitescooter. Complete with removable handlebars, this entry-level foil mimics that of a scooter or bike and is designed for beginners, families, or those who simply wanna cruise the waters leisurely. Check it out.

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2023 Miami Boat Show recap: More marine electrification than ever, but plenty of room for more

Miami boat show

The 2023 Miami Boat Show has officially come to a close after flooding Miami Beach with all things marine and marine adjacent the past five days. As my second consecutive year attending the show, I noticed a significantly larger footprint for electrification in the segment; I not only got an up-close look at many of the electric boats we cover but also got introduced to several up-and-coming companies, which you can learn more about below.

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Fliteboard launches its Series 3 lineup of electric hydrofoils, including ‘world’s lightest’ ULTRA L


Electric hydrofoil specialist Fliteboard is back with a fresh lineup of all-electric foiling products. The company launched its Series 3 range of eFoils today, complete with several upgraded models of varying shape, color, and price, plus an entirely new eFoil promising to be the “world’s lightest.” Check them all out below.

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