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Tesla hacking

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Congressman Thomas Massie on Tesla Cybertruck, preferring Model S to Model 3

Tesla CyberTruck

One of the biggest boosters of electric vehicles in Congress is a Republican representing a rural stretch of east Kentucky. The Congressman is also a legit Tesla hacker with a YouTube channel, two MIT engineering degrees, and serves on the US House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure. So what does he think about the Tesla Cybertruck, and what new projects can we look forward to on his farm?


Tesla hacker claims the automaker is trying to downgrade his car software after releasing new information, Musk replies “Good hacking is a gift”

Yesterday we reported on notorious Model S hacker Jason Hughes revealing through a cryptic tweet to Elon Musk that Tesla is working on a new Model S P100D, something the company had yet to announce.

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Hughes has since revealed that Tesla is trying to remotely push a downgrade update to his Model S, which he calls a “retaliation” for revealing the “P100D” information.