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Great deals on Tesla CPOs: Model S 85 for only $50,000 and rare Signature Model S 85 for $58,700 [Updated]

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It’s quite fascinating to follow the pricing of Tesla’s certified pre-owned Model S’s (CPOs), especially since the vehicle has been on the market for almost 4 years now. Overall the Model S has been able to retain its value impressively well, it has the highest value retention of all electric vehicles and most gasoline vehicles according to a NADA report published last year, but nonetheless, we are starting to see some great bargains for early models.

Tesla reportedly started deliveries of Signature Series Model X – VIN #664 [Gallery]

A new Tesla Model X was spotted at the Syosset service center in Long Island yesterday. A Tesla forum member posted some pictures to PlugShare and claims the VIN number was for a Signature Series #664, which would indicate that Tesla started deliveries of the Model X beyond the initial few “Founders Series”.