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How BMW is lowering its diesel truck CO2 emissions by 50%

How do you make a long-haul diesel truck emit 50% less CO2 without changing a single thing about it? Sounds like a riddle, right? A new pilot solution embraced by BMW Group Logistik and supplied by partner firm Trailer Dynamics here in Germany, though, can do just that. I spoke with Mo Koellner from BMW and Michael Nimtsch from Trailer Dynamics about this tech on a call earlier in the week.

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This cute little electric street sweeper is somehow cheaper than a lawn mower

electric street sweeper

When it comes to finding the coolest and/or weirdest EVs in China for the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week column, I’ve never shied away from work vehicles. Whether that’s tiny electric fire trucks or an ice cream van shaped like a 60s VW bus, odd little work vehicles somehow have extra charm. But today’s entry is certainly unique among past offerings, making it one of the cleanest builds yet. Or perhaps the cleanlinest.

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Obama proposes bold new clean transport program financed by a $10/barrel oil tax

The White House announced today its plan for a proposed “21st Century Clean Transportation System”. The President’s plan will be part of the final proposed budget next week and will include over $300 billion in investments in mass transit systems, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation systems aiming to reduce carbon emissions over the next 10 years.