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Nissan wants Tesla Model 3 reservation holders to buy LEAFs, launches new ad campaign

There’s no denying that the Model 3 is already having an important impact on the auto industry even 18 months before it is set to enter production. The staggering number of reservations it received is sending a clear message to the industry that there’s demand for a compelling long-range electric car in the mid-luxury market.

Apparently, Nissan thinks that the LEAF fits the bill. Don’t get me wrong, the LEAF is an interesting car, but it is also the same price as the Model 3, clearly not a mid-luxury vehicle and the current version shouldn’t be considered “long-range”.

Nonetheless, Nissan just launched a new national ad campaign with a clear goal to try to convince some of the close to 400,000 Model 3 reservation holders to buy LEAFs instead.