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Spiri unveils its all-electric prototype and ‘first ever vehicle built specifically for carpooling’

You might remember the article that we wrote a month ago about the Danish startup, Spiri, that is looking to offer a new twist on carpooling services. Combining the ideas of car sharing networks, like car2go, and ride-sharing services, like UberPool, all into one business, Spiri will aim to be the first company to provide its own fleet of electric vehicles for passengers to drive for free in exchange for picking up riders going the same direction who will then pay a small fee similar to other forms of public transport except with the added benefit of driving you all the way to your end destination.


Danish startup, Spiri, to launch its carpooling service in 2017 using their own all-electric fleet with a unique twist

In heavily populated cities, there is often a problem with cars overcrowding and congesting the roads because the demand, usually, outweighs the supply. Many companies have presented their solutions for the dilemma, such as Uber, Lyft, and Tesla’s shared fleet idea. Now, a Danish startup, Spiri, seeks to provide their own twist on how to alleviate the strain in metropolitan areas.
