Ford acquires mobile robotics defense contractor Quantum Signal for self-driving help

Ford announced that it has acquired Quantum Signal, a mobile robotics defense contractor, to aid with its self-driving car development.
Ford announced that it has acquired Quantum Signal, a mobile robotics defense contractor, to aid with its self-driving car development.
Uber couldn’t let its competitor Lyft have the spotlight for one more second. In what appears to be a direct response to yesterday’s story that GM and Lyft started testing self-driving Bolt EV prototypes in San Francisco, Uber sent out a press release today to confirm starting self-driving car tests on the streets of Pittsburgh.
Autonomous and semi-autonomous driving systems are already getting pretty good under favorable driving conditions, but one of most people’s main concern is about how a self-driving car would handle heavy rain or snow.
Although not recommended, Tesla’s Autopilot can already handle snow to a certain degree, but several systems in development are focusing on especially nailing winter self-driving. Ford recently released a video featuring what it calls “Snowtonomy.”