This startup’s heat pump water heater syncs with your solar

Startup Cala Systems, which makes seriously smart heat pump water heaters, has secured $5.6 million in seed funding and commercially launched its product.
Expand Expanding CloseStartup Cala Systems, which makes seriously smart heat pump water heaters, has secured $5.6 million in seed funding and commercially launched its product.
Expand Expanding CloseWith the advent of electric transport, some people are worried about what happens when an electric vehicle is submerged under water following a storm or during a flood. There’s a misconception that somehow battery-powered cars are more subject to damages than a gasoline-powered car in this situation. It didn’t help when Fisker famously lost $30 Million worth of cars in Hurricane Sandy, but to be fair, while advertised as an electric car, the Fisker Karma was more of a gas-powered car than an electric car anyway.
A recent video of a Tesla Model S driving (or swimming) passed cars with internal-combustion engines in a flooded tunnel in Russia Kazakhstan will maybe help correct those misconceptions.