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Architecture firm offers to split the cost of reserving the Tesla Model 3 with its employees

When we say that we’ve never seen so much enthusiasm for a product launch in a long time, we are not kidding. Here’s a great example. San Antonio-based Architecture firm Lake Flato announced that it took upon itself to offer to its employees the opportunity split the $1,000 cost of the reservation deposit for the Tesla Model 3.

‘Tesla Model 3’ is trending on search engines – people want to see the long-range $35,000 all-electric sedan

There’s no doubting the excitement around the imminent unveiling of Tesla’s third generation car, the Model 3, on March 31st. Last week we reported that Tesla store employees are expecting waiting lines of people trying to get an early reservation in the morning, likely even before they get to see the vehicle.

Additionally, we found out that as of late, the search term “Tesla Model 3” has been trending on search engines, which adds to the evident interest for the upcoming vehicle.

Here’s a quick look at the historical interest of Tesla related search terms over time via Google’s trends tools: