
Avatar for John Fitzgerald Weaver

Electrek morning green energy brief: 5% efficiency increase with PERC, Solar+Storage as disaster defense, Exxon loses in court, more

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PERC cells at 20% efficiency leading towards 330W 72 cell modules from Suntech that are 5% more efficient – If you get 5% more energy out of a solar panel and everything else costs exactly the same – then your solar power system just got ~5% cheaper. These ‘small’ technological moves have significant pricing effects when you consider the broader supply chain and construction requirements.

Solar power and batteries being installed in New York City to defend against natural disasters – Strategically distributing solar panels and batteries in an ultra dense city can defend against large scale grid collapses. And New York City, after realizing that climate change can affect it so significantly when Hurricane Sandy hit, has decided to deploy. Certain projects that I’ve worked on in the city get an extra payment from the power company for installing areas that need the distributed energy. Cool to see a city planning on levels like this.


Electrek morning green energy brief: Big business coming together, Solar+Storage at 11¢/kWh, UAE investing $161B and more!

Site default logo image – “We, the undersigned members in the business and investor community of the United States, re-affirm our deep commitment to addressing climate change through the implementation of the historic Paris Climate Agreement.”

There is a lot of money in the energy industry. There are a lot of costs associated with combating the pollution and health effects of burning fossil fuels (climate change not even considered). These costs are mitigated in courts and industries forced to pay for these costs via political back and forth that lead toward laws. The Paris Agreement will drives significant investment, globally, in cleaner energy sources. Corporate America has interests in both sides of the argument.

Next Friday, game on…


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Electrek morning green energy brief: President Obama’s paper on clean energy, new US transmission lines and more


Obama: The irreversible momentum of clean energy: President Barack Obama has submitted a document on the probability of the growth of clean energy. The document peer-reviewed and speaks of the many clear technological and economic benefits of clean energy relative to its peers, the fossil fuels. This isn’t PR. This is from a guy who has no more elections to win.

Utility-scale solar + storage = $92/MWh – So many strong pieces of data regarding costs of renewables have come out of this Lazard report. What I’m seeing a lot of analysts say is that all of these headlines touting costs of renewables and storage means its time for renewables to put up some serious installation volumes. If these prices are real – then the economics of them will drive massive uptake, irrelevant of government jostling.


Electrek morning green energy brief: Solar forecasting improves, Hawaii requests wind projects, lithium mining growing and more!


Utility Scale solar forecasting tool from government labs – One challenge of managing intermittent energy sources is that our electricity grid (and all of our stuff) is designed to enjoy peaceful, consistent amounts of voltage and current. Sunlight intensity and clouds vary. Software being deployed here can give the utility managers a 72-hour solar production estimations and 15-minute values to integrate into the modern energy trading markets. The sun going down is not the problem – the problem is that our hardware was built on different technology.


Solar panel pricing disrupted by Chinese billions – and more to come


The Chinese government recently announced a five year plan that included 1 trillion yuan (about US$144B) investment for solar power. This money is part of a larger $361B package for renewable energy – and it continues significant investment in the solar industry. Currently, China has some serious air quality issues to deal with and is putting serious money towards it. As part of this large investment in CO2 free electricity, I estimate China will install 165GW of solar power before the end of 2020. This large volume of solar power — along with the world’s continued growth in solar — will lead toward a 28¢/watt solar panel by 2019, 20% lower than today’s price.


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Electrek morning green energy brief: €100/kWh for batteries, 300 ft by 1/3 mile crack in ice sheet, carbon tax rebates, and more!


Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche, “We can see 100 euros per kilowatt-hour on the horizon” plus Thomas Sedran of VW, “The capacity is not there. Nobody has the capacity” –  The first comment from Daimler is on price, and we here on Electrek follow battery pricing closely – we expect this price. The second comment – by VW on capacity – is interesting specifically because in yesterday’s morning brief we saw a headline purporting a battery bubble. With tens of gigafactories to be built in the next decades I suspect VW’s needs will be soothed and Daimler optimism seen as realism.

Crack in Antarctic ice as wide as a football field, 1/3 mile deep – Ice shelves are connected to land but float in the water, meaning when they melt they won’t affect sea levels. However, they’re a good canary in a coal mine – and when they do break off they leave land ice to melt faster. And that will increase levels.

Electrek morning green energy brief: Trump likes green?, tallest solar tower in Israel, manufacturing growth and more!

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Trump surprising on Renewables? – I’ll file this in the category of ‘believe it when I see it’, but I can see the man bending to the will of the highly popular, and heavy employment numbers of the green industries. Do remember though – “Climate change is a Chinese hoax!” – so the logic you are pitched will be on the $$$ of solar and renewables, and not on the environmental/climate side.

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Electrek morning green energy brief: where residential solar beats the market, France selling green bonds, $144B into solar by China and more


The states where residential solar power beats the S&P 500 – If you need that last push, your solar system should be looked at as a small piece of your investment portfolio as it will be one of the safest investments you make and give a great return. Unfortunately, the investment size is limited to you electricity bill – but a little piece here and there adds up.

France second country to offer green bonds – Big Oil is Big Oil because of $$$. We, the People, want to be healthy and wealthy and we use money as a tool to guide us toward ways to meet those goals. There will be a time soon that renewable energy is where the cash is on the grandest of scales and green bonds are a way to achieve that.


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Electrek morning green energy brief: The Sun Tax, Utility lobbying, Storage market bubbly coming to Massachusetts and more!


Sun Tax doubled on Spanish islands – If I build a thing to take advantage of the environment and I gain economic benefit from it, does the state deserve a piece? Yes – society has a hand in the creation of the stability that allows so much to exist in our civilized reality. The question is though – is it appropriate to tax this subset of the broader electric industry when we know clearly that the broader electric industry is not paying its fair share of externalities? What price ought it be? Coal/oil extraction leases are at amazingly low prices per kWh – article shows a tax of $0.04/kWh). Additionally, as we know, solar is a growing industry – states support growth industries.


SolarEdge first inverters to meet the UL 1741 Supplement A draft requirements – a building block of a smart, reactive electric grid

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On August 21st this year, the United States will be shaded by a solar eclipse, testing the current plan of action for solar providers. As with prior eclipses across large solar markets, power grid operators know how to manage these events via fossil fuels backups. In a press release, SolarEdge announced a plan to collaborate with technologies like IBM’s cloud monitoring and solar forecasting to efficiently and automatically manage solar events and general grid complexity using distributed tools like solar panels level electronics and energy storage. These functions are a necessary part of broader suite of technologies needed by Hawaii and the whole of the USA as solar penetration increases.

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Electrek morning green energy brief: Costa Rica 98% renewable, global solar growth, solar cheaper than coal and more!


Costa Rica goes renewable for 98% in 2016 – I’ll write about the details and further pans on this soon, but thought it was impressive enough t give it top billing. Yes, Costa Rica is a small country blessed with hydroelectric dams – however – their lessons learned with advanced energy sources are starting to seep out to the rest of the world. Looking forward to telling the world 100% renewable for Costa Rica in 2017.

Bloomberg sees solar power becoming cheapest global source in less than 10 years – We know, on this website, that in the sunnier climates of the world solar is already the cheapest. This report thinks that for the whole of the planet – when all locations, sunny or not – the average price of solar will be lowest. The nay sayers are leaving the building.


Electrek morning green energy brief: Solar policy trends of 2016, microgrids are hard, fossil fuels are easy and more!


The top 5 solar power policy trends of 2016 – As solar penetration is increasing, we’re starting to see the electricity utilities get more aggressive at using “political jujitsu” to manipulate the legal system. Many laws – such as Nevada cancelling long term net metering agreements – attacked consumers with the false logic that solar powers users were stealing from non-solar users. The utility stacked Arizona public utilities commission agreed – the people of Florida did not. Expect 2017 to be a battle ground yet again – with the victories of 2016 as guidance.


Electrek morning green energy brief: Solar panels so cheap manufacturers losing money, Russians hacking the US grid, and more


Solar Panels now so cheap, manufacturers probably selling at a loss – I personally have seen the price of solar panels fall from $.55/W to $.35/W starting in about June of 2016 through today. That’s a 36% fall in price for the formerly most expensive component of a solar panel. The Chinese believe in Swanson’s Law and see this as a sound investment still – so don’t expect it to stop just yet.


Russian malware found on laptop of Vermont power company – The details are still fuzzy (and as I read about it this morning it seems a lot less interesting), so I’ll stay away from international intrigue just yet. However, let us be honest to ourselves and recognize that with digitization (making the grid smarter) we are going to open the machine to broader systemic risks. We need to be smarter than how we let our desktop computers be abused.

Hawaiian electricity utilities predict 100% renewables 5 years early – and 48% in just 4 years

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About a year and a half ago, the island state of Hawaii proclaimed a goal of getting to 100% renewable electricity by 2045 – the first US State to make such a proclamation. In the past week, the Hawaiian Electric Companies (HECO) delivered plans showing a progression to 100% renewable electricity before 2040.  In a maximum projected model – 100% was possible by 2030 when considering the excess energy generation of residential solar customers. The plan suggests that electricity rates will rise through the mid-2020s due to upgrade requirements, before they fall as the benefit of no fuel electricity pays itself off. Sometime in late 2017, HECO believes they will meet the 2020 goal of 30% renewables – and sets an agressive goal to maximize installations before the Federal Solar ITC phases out. Bravo Hawaii.


Solar power at 1¢/kWh by 2025 – “The promise of quasi-infinite and free energy is here”

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Thierry Lepercq, head of research, technology and innovation at the French energy company Engie SA, said in an interview at Bloomberg that he sees a potential for the cost of solar electricity to fall below $10-megawatt hour (1¢/kWh) in the sunniest climates by 2025. Lepercq believes “solar, battery storage, electrical and hydrogen vehicles, and connected devices are in a ‘J’ curve (of upward growth potential).” One consequence of this new energy economy is that, “the price (of oil) could drop to $10 if markets anticipate a significant fall in demand.”

“The promise of quasi-infinite and free energy is here.”


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Electrek morning green energy brief: Jobs, Indian Infrastructure, Japan lowers FIT, AZ guts net metering and more


[Editor’s note: We’re trying a new morning green energy briefing which should deliver every day at 9am ET. Please comment below]

India Investing $1.8B on Lines to Transmit Solar Power – The whole world is racing to upgrade their infrastructure to take advantage of cheap, fuel free and clean solar power at peak times. The US, Germany and China have recently made headlines about lacking infrastructure – India watched, listened and hopefully is acting soon enough.

A good job if you can get it: America’s solar workforce is heating up – a 14% jump in jobs in the solar industry. 250,000 direct employees – 700,000 indirect employees. And the industry is going to keep on going. 50% outside, 50% sales/engineers/office/etc.


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Electrek morning green energy brief: America believes in cleaning up after itself, 2017 solar installs projections, and more


[Editor’s note: We’re trying a new morning green energy briefing which should deliver every day at 9am ET. Please comment below]

Americans strongly believe in their responsibilities toward climate change and pollution – Two-thirds of registered voters (66%) say the U.S. should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, regardless of what other countries do. Nearly eight out of ten registered voters (78%) support taxing global warming pollution, regulating it, or using both approaches, while only one in ten opposes these approaches. Two in three registered voters (66%) support requiring fossil fuel companies to pay a carbon tax and using the money to reduce other taxes (such as income tax) by an equal amount. If Congress passes a fossil fuel tax, the most popular uses of the revenue are developing clean energy (solar, wind), improving America’s infrastructure, assisting workers in the coal industry who may lose their jobs as a result of the tax, and paying down the national debt.
